Execution: 90-120 ′
Anesthesia: General
Discharge: Same day
Back to social media : 8 days
Dressings: 1/5/14 days, 1 month sun exposure

Fat transfer to the face, breasts or buttocka consists of taking some fat from a donor area (abdomen, hips, thighs) and adding it to a recipient area in the same patient on which a volumetric improvement or shape improvement is desired.
The sampling is performed according to the same rules of traditional liposuction, therefore the first benefit of this intervention is to the advantage of any areas of excess adipose that are remodeled. However, the procedure is more contained because it is almost always performed with the patient awake and under local anesthesia.
Once taken, the fat is filtered and the liquid part is eliminated, at this point it is ready to be inserted into the recipient site.
A small percentage of the transplanted tissue is reabsorbed over the next 3 months, but the results are often brilliant even after just one session. The scarring results are null, since the insertion of the adipose tissue takes place through specific microcannulas much thinner than those used for the sampling.
The indications are varied. In RECONSTRUCTIVE and POST-TRAUMATIC surgery, the following can be treated:
- depressed areas resulting from local trauma (wounds, surgical outcomes), reticent scars
- flat but inelastic scar areas
- radio-treated and hypovascularized areas (breasts)
Lipofilling can be an important step in the post-mastectomy breast reconstruction process both in terms of volume and the ability of the transplanted fat to create new blood vessels in the most sclerotic areas.
In AESTHETIC surgery, adipose transplantation brings back roundness, fullness to surfaces that have lost these characteristics. It is indicated for:
- Cheekbones; modernization, increase and symmetry beyond the potential of normal fillers based on hyaluronic acid
- Lips; increase of turgor and improvement of the shape
- Rebalance the volumes of the face and cheeks and of anatomical areas that are asymmetrical or hypotonic, reinvigorating the tissues so as to make them younger and more regenerated
- Breasts; improve turgor and volume without prostheses and without scars, obtaining an increase of about one size in a minimally invasive and natural way
- Buttocks; remodel and increase tone and turgor of an anatomical part on which the attention of patients falls more and more often
- Calves; to improve shape, volumes and tone where any other volumizing intervention is ineffective
- Furthermore, thanks to the effect of the stem cells contained in the transferred fat, the graft guarantees a general effect of tissue rejuvenation.
Recovery is quick and safe, in the most important cases it will only be the swelling of the first days to delay recovery, but, usually, this does not pose a problem for patients.
This technique can be accessory in a liposuction procedure to restore roundness and curves that simple aspiration could not give.